Making a Difference: Improving Access to Veterinary Care

Kylie Ramos, Central Valley Community Engagement Manager

Kylie Ramos with dogs

Kylie Ramos helps the SF SPCA tackle statewide animal homelessness by connecting with providers in the Central Valley.

How long have you worked at the SF SPCA?

I was hired in July 2023.

Do you have pets?

Three dogs, named Harper, Tally, and Angus, and two cats, Gunther and Otis.

What one word embodies the SF SPCA for you?


What led you to a career in animal welfare?

I couldn't think of anything else I would rather do than spend my time with animals, in any capacity I possibly could.

Why did you decide to work at the SF SPCA?

I saw a job posting online, and the experience and skills oddly matched this weird mashup of experience I've had in my career: shelter medicine, shelter operations, and outreach. It seemed too good to be true, so I went for it.

What's a typical day like for you at the SF SPCA?

My main focus right now is identifying veterinary staff to help expand access to low-cost spay and neuter procedures in Central California. My days involve a lot of collaborating with people from all over the organization, plus our contacts in the Central Valley. It's a lot of working together to solve the problems we're addressing.

How does our focus on access to care impact your work?

My position is rooted in access to care. I enjoy using my creative side to figure out how we increase access for the community that I'm lucky enough to be a part of.

What else do you want people to know about the SF SPCA?

This organization is so forward-thinking. We're figuring out how to make spay and neuter more accessible, and it's going to solve a lot of problems here [in the Central Valley]. We're communicating with community members, clinicians, and city and county leaders. We're working with our partners—not coming in and trying to "fix" their problems. We're true collaborators.

Thanks to people like you, who are devoted to providing advanced veterinary care, homes, and more to animals in need, transformative initiatives like our low-cost spay and neuter program are thriving. Please contact Director of Planned Giving June Hom at (415) 430-3251 or to learn more about making a difference for animals, today and tomorrow, through the SF SPCA.

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